Green Glaze was born out of my deep passion for natural beauty. My journey began a few years ago when I struggled with extremely sensitive skin and persistent acne. Following dermatologists’ advice offered only temporary relief, as my acne would always return, leaving my skin even more sensitive. Frustrated, I embarked on thorough research into maintaining healthy skin, adopting a healthier diet, and learning about the harsh chemicals and fillers in conventional skincare products. To deepen my understanding, I enrolled in the Formula Botanica Organic Skincare certificate program, where I discovered incredible natural skincare brands from around the world.
This journey inspired me to bring these internationally acclaimed green beauty brands to Kenya, leading to the creation of Green Glaze Beauty. We have proudly offered a carefully curated selection of high-quality, natural, effective, and cruelty-free skincare and beauty products. We have always prioritized the quality of our ingredients and strived to educate our customers on overall skin health while providing the best possible service.
In 2024, we made the difficult decision to close down operations. I am immensely grateful for the incredible support we’ve received over the years. I encourage you to continue supporting smaller indie beauty brands and to keep living sustainably. The journey towards natural beauty and sustainable living is one we can all continue together.